Bergamot Orange Marmalade

I love the taste of bergamot and always wanted to make bergamot orange marmalade. Since I could not find bergamot oranges in Vienna I tried this instead and it turned out delicious.

3 kg organic oranges (you can mix navel and moro varieties for a richer colour)
this should result in:
1,5 l orange juice
200 g peel, finely shredded
1 kg of 3:1 gelling sugar (check quantity according to brand)
10 drops of bergamot oil

Thinly peel one half of the oranges with a potato peeler, making long strips from one end to the other. Try to avoid peeling off too much of the pith, which will make the jam bitter. Lay the strips of peel flat on top of each other on a cutting board and shred very finely, 1mm wide. Juice the remains and bring the juice and peel to a boil in a large pot, simmer for 15-30 minutes until the peel is soft. If the peel is not completely soft, it will float to the top once the marmalade is filled in to jars. Add the gelling sugar, bring back to a rolling boil. Turn the heat off. Add the bergamot oil, stir very well, and fill into sterilized jars. Stir repeatedly while ladling into the jars, the peel and the oil tend to float to the top of the pot.

Alternatively put a drop of bergamot oil in each jar, this helps to avoid evaporation of the bergamot oil prior to filling into the jars.

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